Red Church w/ Special Guest Pastor Todd Coconato!

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“Focus on what’s pure, lovely, and whatever is of good report”.

In Red Church today, Pastor Todd Coconato observes the turbulence in the culture and the prevailing presence of evil, what with demonized people trying to take over the nation and take away our religious freedom. Regardless, he informs us that the Lord assures us of one more round because we’re the restraining force against evil and the wicked plans of the enemy. He urges us not to conform to the evil culture but to be filled with God’s word, wearing it as an armor against evil. He leads us to the Book of Romans 12:2 to remind us not to conform to the patterns of this world, but to be transformed by renewing our minds. 

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Moving on, Pastor Todd continues to explain that the transformation that occurs when our minds are renewed changes our way of thinking while enabling us to see everything we do through the lenses of God’s word. He also leads us to the Book of 2 Corinthians 10:5 to encourage us to bring our every thought into the captivity of the obedience of Christ and call upon the Lord in times of temptation so as not to fall into sin. He further references the Book of Philippians 4:8 to urge us to meditate on praiseworthy and virtuous things. 

In like manner, he instructs that we be slow to speak, and take our thoughts captive, so that we do not fulfill the lust of the flesh. He informs us that God speaks to us through his word, and consistently reading His word will determine how often we hear from Him. he further encourages us to focus on what’s pure and righteous while urging all who are going through financial difficulties to focus on winning souls for God with what they have and the little they have will be multiplied. Interestingly, he leads us to the Book of Ephesians 4:23 to charge us to renew the spirit of our minds by being lovers of God’s word. 

Furthermore, Pastor Todd leads us to the Book of Colossians 3:2 to teach us that we focus our minds on things above, not earthly things. He asserts that there could not be a better future for us than in the life we have in Christ because we’re children of the most High God, whose blessing and favor are upon us. He further assures us that God will take us through our trying moments while encouraging us not to give in to weariness because that will make the devil happy. 


0:00 Introduction

04:11 Do not be Conformed to the Evil Culture

08:36 Romans 12:2

11:16 How To Renew Your Mind: The Spirit-Form Lifestyle

19:00 2 Corinthians 10:5 

20:40 Call Upon the Lord in Times of Temptation

22:53 Philippians 4:8: The Transformed Mind Filter

29:04 How God Speaks to You

32:18 Focus on What’s Pure & Righteous

34:31 Ephesians 4:23: Be Renewed in the Spirit of Your Mind

39:24 Colossians 3:2: Set Your minds on Things Above

49;31 Don’t Grow Weary: Conclusion